11 Day Fully escorted Battlefield & Cultural Tour Incorporating the 110th Anniversary Dawn Service at Anzac Cove & Lone Pine
18 – 28 April 2025

Twin Share – $6,115 per person
Single Room Supplement – $1459

Escorted by Australian military history expert and battlefield guide, Rod Margetts.

Our tours, now in their 28th year, provide you with a complete understanding of the story of Gallipoli. The itinerary is designed by the most experienced and respected historians, and curators in Australia and tells what was planned to happen, what did happen and why it happened. There is plenty of time to explore the sites; to stand where our men stood, with the views that they had so long ago, making this both a commemorative and educational journey into our past and, for some, a personal pilgrimage.

Your tour highlights:

  • Our Australian military history expert and battlefield guide will escort you each day while on tour
  • Attend the official Dawn Service at Anzac Cove commemorating the 110th anniversary of the ANZAC landings at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915
  • Attend the Anzac Day Australian national service at Lone Pine Memorial
  • Special boat tour of the Gallipoli coast – provides a view from the sea of the landing beaches, valleys and heights, just as the ANZAC soldiers would have first seen it, 110 years ago!
  • Explore all the sites on the Peninsula including Anzac Cove, Lone Pine, The Nek, Shrapnel Valley and Beach Cemeteries. You will also learn about the British and French landings at Cape Helles and see the magnificent Turkish Memorial.
  • 6 nights at the Kum Hotel, conveniently located just minutes from Anzac Cove, and the only accommodation on the Gallipoli coast. No ‘boxed lunches’ required, or time sacrificed, and with the atmosphere reflecting the region, the stay is always enjoyable for our tour members.
  • Gain a full understanding of the military and culture of the Ottomans, explore the must-see sites of Istanbul, a wonderfully colourful ancient and beautiful city not to be missed.
  • Conveniently begin and finish the tour in Istanbul, staying in deluxe accommodation centrally located within the Old City of Istanbul
  • Should your tour be of a personal pilgrimage, we invite you to advise us of any particular interest, such as relatives who took part in the campaign, for further research to ensure, where possible, that you visit the site and that detailed information be provided for further discussions.
  • Experience the friendship shared between our countries firsthand with our local Turkish guide and Australian history expert Rod Margetts, a team that has worked together in Türkiye for twelve years, and their combined knowledge will provide a comprehensive balance of history and culture.
  • Offering personalised service to every tour member, we are the most experienced battlefield tour specialists in Australia having operated tours to Gallipoli for nearly 30 years.

We invite you to contact our expert battlefield tour agents, Michelle and Alyssa on 1800 035 350 to discuss our itinerary and inclusions further. Amendments to the itinerary may be accommodated to suit your travel plans.

To gain a varied aspect of the military campaign and related inclusions in the tour itinerary, you are also most welcome to contact our Australian military history expert and guide, Rod Margetts directly on 0435 517 991.

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Australian Battlefield Guides

We’re the only battlefield tour operator in the country that provides Australian battlefield guides for all of our tours!

Tour Highlights

  • The stirring Anzac Day Dawn Service at Gallipoli and the Australian National Ceremony at Lone Pine.
  • Special highlight guided Boat Tour along the Gallipoli Coast for an unforgettable view of the valleys and ridges from the sea (weather permitting).
  • Guided tour of the landing at Cape Helles and Krithia Battlefields, including a short walk to Achi Baba.
  • Visit important sites such as Lone Pine, the Nek, Plugge’s Plateau and Quinn’s Post that occupy a unique place in our history.
  • A memorable guided walk from Chunuk Bair Memorial down Rhododendron Ridge to the northern outposts.
  • Stop at Kilitbahir Fort and the Rumeli Mecidiye gun battery for discussions on the failed naval assaults of early 1915, that led to the Gallipoli landings.
  • Cross the famous Dardanelles and explore the nearby ancient city of Troy, before lunch in Canakkale, and a visit to the naval museum.
  • Visit the most important sites of the Old City in Istanbul including the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia and the Grand Bazaar
  • Farewell dinner overlooking the magnificent lights of Istanbul at night

Your Gallipoli Tour Includes:

  • Fully escorted by an experienced Australian military historian / curator guide.
  • 4 nights deluxe accommodation in Istanbul with guaranteed early check-in located in the Old City
  • 6 nights premium accommodation at The Kum – the only hotel on the Gallipoli peninsula, minutes from Anzac Cove.
  • All meals as listed on the itinerary. There are no boxed, or “picnic” lunches. All meals will be in the comfort of the Kum Hotel at Gallipoli (and a chance to use the bathroom). A Boronia Travel Exclusive!
  • All Gallipoli battlefield excursions, scenic drives and sightseeing as described in the itinerary.
  • Services of a local english speaking Turkish expert guide throughout your tour.
  • Ground transport in deluxe air-conditioned coaches.
  • All entrance fees as per the itinerary.
  • Boronia Travel Centre cap, ticket wallet and luggage tags.


  • Single Supplements are available
  • Boronia Travel Centre uses Singapore Airlines for all their Gallipoli Tours, and has access to the most competitive discounted Economy, Premium Economy, Business and First Class airfares available from Australia.
  • International Travel Insurance, is strongly recommended and never more so than now
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Meals Included: B = Breakfast, L = Lunch (No boxed lunches), D = Dinner

Day 1 – Friday 18 April – Welcome to Istanbul, Turkey. After checking in to your hotel with time for lunch, join your Tour Guide, Australian battlefield historian and fellow tour members for an afternoon cruise along the Bosphorus, one of the most strategically important waterways in the world, control of which was central to the Gallipoli campaign you are going to explore over the coming days. With beautiful mosques, palaces, and historic Ottoman-era houses revealed on both the European and Asian shorelines, this is a wonderful introduction to a modern bustling yet ancient city. Afterwards get to know your fellow expeditioners and tour staff at a welcome dinner at your hotel.   D
Overnight: Crown Plaza Old City, ISTANBUL         

Day 2 – Saturday 19 April – After breakfast, meet your Tour Leader and your local Turkish guide in hotel reception for a guided tour of the famous sights of the old city. Visit Hagia Sophia, one of the great marvels of architecture and the most important Byzantine monument in Istanbul, followed by a tour of the Hippodrome and the beautiful Blue Mosque, with its immense interior lined with 20,000 handmade ceramic tiles. Following free time for lunch, visit the famous Grand Bazaar to browse some of the 5,000 shops selling gold, silver, leather, carpets, ceramics, Turkish delight and all kinds of souvenirs. Dinner tonight will be at leisure, perhaps enjoy one of the many restaurants or cafes located around Sultanahmet Square.   B 
Overnight: Crown Plaza Old City, ISTANBUL         

Day 3 – Sunday 20 April – This morning travel by coach to Gallipoli, on the way joining in a background discussion on the circumstances leading to Australia’s involvement there. Make a stop in Gelibolu, Headquarters of the Turkish 5th Army defending the Gallipoli peninsula, to visit the museum there, before moving on to your home for the next six nights, the Kum Hotel. Set right on the Aegean coast and only minutes from Anzac Cove, it’s the ideal location for touring the battlefields, with all the sites within easy reach. After check in and lunch, you begin your understanding of the Gallipoli campaign. Travel south on the peninsula to Kilitbahir Fort and the Rumeli Mecidiye gun battery for discussions on the naval assaults of 1915, the failure of which led to the land campaign. Later, return to the hotel for free time to relax and discuss the day’s experience, before dinner.  B L D
Overnight: Kum Hotel, Gallipoli

Day 4 – Monday 21 April – Today, begin your in-depth study of events in the ANZAC sector. Your introduction to the valleys and ridges of the landing area is from the sea, just as Australian and New Zealand soldiers first saw them so long ago, as you take an unforgettable boat tour of the Gallipoli coast, weather permitting. While sitting right off Anzac Cove, learn what was planned for the morning of 25 April 1915, what happened, and why – the perfect introduction to your explorations in the following days. Once ashore, visit the striking original landing area cemeteries. First, Ari Burnu, and the opportunity to walk the beach in Anzac Cove, reflecting on the significance of the events that unfolded here.  Then move to Beach cemetery, where the grave of John Simpson Kirkpatrick “the man with the donkey” lies. Close by is the beautiful Shrapnel Valley Cemetery, and the grave of Major Hugh Quinn, after whom Quinn’s Post on Second Ridge was named. After lunch at the hotel, take a walk up onto Plugge’s Plateau, the first ground captured on 25 April 1915. Learn about the actual Turkish opposition to the landing, with the same views that the defenders had that morning. Then, discover the surprising true size of what became the Anzacs’ home for eight gruelling months, from a panoramic view of the entire beachhead. Later, begin your exploration of Second Ridge and the front line that was established after the first confused days of fighting. Beginning at Lone Pine, learn of the initial struggle to hold the high ground there, taking time to reflect in the cemetery and at the National Memorial. Then walk the old trench system at Johnston’s Jolly, before following the line to Quinn’s Post. Here learn why it was considered the most dangerous position on the perimeter. After a stop at Scrubby, the furthest inland point any soldiers reached at Gallipoli, you return to the hotel for a BBQ dinner.  B L D
Overnight: Kum Hotel, Gallipoli

Day 5 – Tuesday 22 April – This morning you head to the southern tip of the Peninsula to discuss the British and French landing area. First,  move up on to Achi Baba, one of the key points on the Peninsula and a British objective on 25 April 1915. Discussion here provides an understanding of the British landing plan and the problems encountered. Moving further south, a visit to the impressive Turkish Memorial at Morto Bay reveals the horrendous cost to the defenders at Gallipoli. After a stop nearby at the only French cemetery at Gallipoli, lunch will be at a local restaurant. This afternoon begins with a discussion of the main British landings at ‘V’ and ‘W’ Beaches and a visit to the Commonwealth Memorial at Cape Helles. Although considered a British and French area of operations, Cape Helles also is of significant interest to Australians. In May, the 2nd Australian Brigade and the New Zealand Brigade were sent down from the ANZAC sector to reinforce a further attack on the village of Krithia. Despite heroic efforts by both ANZAC formations the attack failed, with heavy casualties. The day concludes with a discussion of the attack and a stop at Redoubt Cemetery, the furthest point reached by the Australian advance. You then return to the hotel for dinner.   B L D
Overnight: Kum Hotel, Gallipoli

Day 6 – Wednesday 23 April – Today you examine the August Offensive, the last attempt to break out of the Anzac beachhead in conjunction with a new British landing at Suvla Bay. You begin at Lone Pine, with the attack by the Australian 1st Brigade. Planned originally as a ‘feint’ to attract Turkish attention away from activities further north, the fighting here was intense, lasting four days.  Next you move to The Nek, learning the circumstances of the disastrous charge by the Australian 3rd Light Horse Brigade on 7 August 1915. Walk through the Light Horse positions from where the attack was launched, appreciating the natural beauty of such a sad place.  Last stop for the morning is Chunuk Bair, the New Zealand objective and site of bitter fighting from 7 to 10 August.  From there you get a personal understanding of the effects of the ground on operation at Gallipoli, with a guided walk from Chunuk Bair down Rhododendron Ridge to the northern outposts, the ground covered by the Kiwis in their attack on the heights. After lunch at the hotel, you learn about the last major Australian action in the campaign, at Hill 60, where the only Victoria Cross awarded to the Light Horse in the First World War was won. Returning to the hotel, stop for a Turkish coffee or apple tea in Bigali, an original Gallipoli village which housed Mustafa Kemal’s Headquarters on the morning of 25 April 1915. His Division, the 19th, was based in the surrounding area and from here he launched the counter attack that stopped the Anzac advance from the beach. The house he occupied in the village is now a museum.   B L D
Overnight: Kum Hotel, Gallipoli 

Day 7 – Thursday 24 April – Today is a break from the battlefields. After breakfast you cross the Dardanelles to Asian Türkiye, to explore the ancient city of Troy, made famous for the setting of the legendry Trojan War in Homer’s epic poems the “IIiad and the Odyssey”. A relaxed walk through this UNESCO World Heritage site will reveal the history of the nine cities destroyed and rebuilt here over 4000 years.  Return to Canakkale for lunch and afterwards explore Fort Çimenlik and the naval museum or enjoy free time along the waterfront promenade and surrounding lane ways to take in the local culture, before returning to the hotel for rest and dinner. B L D
Overnight: Kum Hotel, Gallipoli 

Day 8 – Friday 25 April – ANZAC DAY – An early departure from the hotel to attend the official Anzac Day Dawn Service at the Anzac Commemorative Site on North Beach. As the sun rises over the Sphinx and waves lap on the stoney shore, reflect on the momentous events that took place on this spot 110 years ago – an emotional, once in a lifetime experience. After the service, make your way up Artillery Road and past Shell Green to Lone Pine Cemetery, to attend the Australian national ceremony. Afterwards, return to the hotel for a BBQ lunch, with the remainder of the day free for rest.   B L D
Overnight: Kum Hotel, Gallipoli 

Day 9 – Saturday 26 April – Following breakfast, you check out, and return to Istanbul, with lunch en route. After checking into your hotel, the remainder of the afternoon and evening is free for you to explore this bustling city or turn in for an early night to recover from Anzac Day.  B L
Overnight: Vogue Supreme Hotel, ISTANBUL

Day 10 – Sunday 27 April – We begin today with a visit to the sixth century Basilica Cistern, the largest of Istanbul’s ancient water storages and featured in many movies and novels. At just under 10,000 square meters in size with 336 marble columns supporting the ceiling, two depicting the Medusa head, it is an impressive site to explore. Then move onto Topkapi Palace, the main residence of the Ottoman Sultans for over 400 years to see the extensive grounds and rooms.  The remainder of the afternoon is free to immerse yourself amongst the cobbled streets and colourful gardens and local cafes of the Old City. Later for the final time, join your fellow tour members to attend the farewell dinner, in a local Turkish style restaurant with the most spectacular views of Istanbul at night.  B D
Overnight: Vogue Supreme Hotel, ISTANBUL

Day 11 – Monday 28 April – After breakfast the tour concludes with a transfer to the airport (as per flight SQ391)   B

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Crowne Plaza Istanbul – Old City

This luxurious hotel in Istanbul is 400 metres from the Grand Bazaar. It has a spa, an indoor pool and a gym. You can access free WiFi throughout the property. The elegant rooms at the 5-star Crowne Plaza Istanbul – Old City have satellite TV, a tea/coffee maker, minibar and a private bathroom with luxurious toiletries. The Lale Restaurant serves a rich buffet breakfast in the mornings. A gourmet menu of international cuisine is served in the evenings. Guests can enjoy a range of beauty treatments at the spa, or work out with cardiovascular equipment at the gym.

Kum HotelKum Hotel, Gallipoli Peninsula

Boronia Travel Centre is the only tour operator that has exclusive access to the Kum Hotel, which has also been our home away from home ever since we began our Gallipoli tours over 20 years ago. The beach resort style Kum Hotel is centrally located on the Gallipoli Peninsula and only 10 minutes south of Anzac Cove and the areas most visited by Australians at Gallipoli. Every room has a private bathroom, hot water, TV, heating and telephone.

Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul

Centrally located in the Sultan Ahmet district, one of Istanbul’s most important historical centres, this luxurious hotel is surrounded by the important cultural landmarks of the historic city. The hotel is very close to all the historical sites you might want to visit in Istanbul. The Basilica Cistern is 80 meters away. The elegant rooms of Vogue Hotel Supreme Istanbul are equipped with air conditioning, modern amenities and include free Wi-Fi. Some of the rooms have views of the surrounding streets, and some have spectacular views of Hagia Sophia. Their on-site restaurants serve Turkish and international cuisine. Guests can dine indoors in the stylish restaurant or outdoors on the terrace overlooking the Hagia Sophia.


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Gallipoli in Depth Tour – Anzac Day April 2024
I just wanted to pass on our thanks to Boronia Travel on behalf of our group who travelled to Turkey. The trip was an amazing experience that has created lifelong memories for us all. The organisation and experience were faultless.

Rod and Sinan were unbelievable in terms of their knowledge and couldn’t have done a better job to accommodate all of us in a friendly and enjoyable way. We are all so fortunate to be able to experience everything the region had to offer.

We will be sure to recommend this trip to everyone that we know and look forward to experiencing more of Turkey as it truly blew us all away. Most importantly thank you for organising it all for us. Its rare today that you get to experience service like you provide so well done!
Simon Douglas-Denton

Gallipoli – Anzac Day Tour 2019
“We have had one of the most incredible experiences, both individually and collectively over the past 5 days and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your hard work, efforts and support in making it happen. It has been a huge exercise from conception last year to completion yesterday and none of the enormous value that has been gained would have been possible without you.

Rod was magnificent, and the boys appreciated his wealth of knowledge and perspective. Sinan was a true gent, every bit the embodiment of the wonderful Turkish people and country that the boys got a great appreciation for. Peter was a terrific source of support and from a totally different perspective it was lovely for us to be able to spend some time with the lifeblood of our game, those that love, play and coach in the community. Ramazan and Kemal were terrific, it was like greeting and spending time with old friends.

Please thank everyone one of them for us and all who played a role behind the scenes. We have given our young players and (old) staff a once in a lifetime opportunity that is going to leave an indelible mark on them personally and hopefully contribute to a united, proud, courageous, competitive and fighting Australian Team as we seek to claim the World Cup.” 
Gavin Dovey 
Australian Team Manager, Cricket Australia

Gallipoli – Anzac Day Tour 2018
Dear Peter, may we say a huge thank you to your good self for the most wonderful time we have had in Turkey (tour group picture above). You certainly nailed it when you put our trip together and we were very impressed with all aspects of our journey, from the wonderful group with Rod on the Peninsula and the most gracious hospitality of John and Sue Waller in relation to aspects of our visit to Anzac Cove Ceremonies. Please pass on our remarks as it sure was a “class act”. Our extension to several parts of Turkey was most interesting, and exceeded our expectations, and the information we received about the historical sites was very impressive.”
Margaret and Gerard Smith

Gallipoli – Anzac Day Tour 2018
“G’day Peter, Firstly Wendy and I want to thank you for the well organised Gallipoli trip it was first class. The activity went off without fault. Our guides Rod and Sinan were excellent and with some much knowledge and information to share. We had the pleasure of catching up with John and Susan (From Boronia) they are nice people. Can you please forward this email to them so I can say thank you to them and they can see the group photo.”
David Smith

Gallipoli – Anzac Day Tour 2018
“Peter, I wanted to add my thanks to those of the others in our Gallipoli 2018 tour group for a truly wonderful and memorable week. Everything went totally to plan, from the airport reception through to the various hotel arrangements, and of course the 5 days on the Peninsular (except perhaps for the intervention of DVA) with Rod’s thoroughly professional guiding and instruction throughout. I actually thought I knew a bit about our military history, but Rod and Cinan actually showed me that I still have much to learn. We often grow up just accepting many of the myths and stories surrounding our history – even those of us in the military – but this visit was a real eye-opener in terms of putting it all into perspective, with a hefty dose of reality.

A special thanks to John Waller who really made a great last minute effort to make s comfortable prior to the Dawn Service in response to DVA’s penny-pinching decision to scrap the seating arrangements. I had a letter published in the Canberra Times about that but would be surprised if it has any impact on future arrangements.

And finally, thanks again to Rod – great so see you again mate! Your local knowledge, and appreciation of the details of the campaign, delivered with just a touch of your acerbic wit, really made for a fun trip. Thanks to the whole team.”
Kym MacMillan

Gallipoli – Anzac Day Tour 2018
“Hi Peter, Just a short note to tell you how much I enjoyed my Gallipoli trip. Rod’s boundless knowledge was fantastic, didn’t need to ask many questions as he had already answered most of them with his commentary, Sinan as well was fantastic, not once did either of them have to refer to notes or look up info.

John and Sue also went out of their way to make sure we were comfortable to the point of getting yoga mats and blankets for us for the dawn service when they found there was no seating. Accommodation was adequate, meals were good and beer cheap.

Flights were good with Qatar however my case was damaged on the return flight somewhere between Istanbul and Melbourne. All up an excellent trip, a great group, everyone was at meeting points on time and eager to go, great leaders and a well planned itinerary that allowed some flexibility, all up a great trip, Looking forward to doing a Western Front tour with you in the future.”
Geoff McLeod

“It was a great privilege to meet with first generation descendants of Gallipoli veterans as part of my visit to the Anzac battlefields on 24 April 2015. I am writing to thank you for your role in arranging this.

I was deeply moved to meet the descendants in locations that have so much personal meaning for them. I also learned a lot about the experiences of those who fought at Gallipoli through the stories of their close family members. I am very grateful for Boronia Travel’s work in making such an experience possible.”
The Hon. Tony Abbott. MP, Prime Minister of Australia

“As one who has worked in the Travel industry I want to say that your attention to detail on all accounts was very much noticed and appreciated. Rod handled situations where our fellow passengers needed attention with quiet concern and poise and at no time would those who needed his help have felt uncomfortable. Sinam was so gentle in his ways and his knowledge, was unbelievable  Rod was like a Father figure and teacher to is all and what a wonderful choice you made with these two gentleman  We feel honoured to have been part of a great team for our experience of a lifetime tour to Gallipoli.

Your organisation of the 24th and 25th was so professional and even to where those of us who did not have a pass, were made to feel very comfortable at both the Kum Hotel and Mimosa Park. I could go on but it is easier that we give you a 10/10 and are already telling family and friends that if somebody they know wants to go to the Battlefields that they should look NO further than Boronia Travel. Very warm regards.”
Ruth Nichols

“Hi Ben, Wendy and I just wanted to congratulate Boronia staff for the expertise they showed in making our trip to Gallipoli the most memorable it could possibly be. As you know we were fortunate to be in the best group that you could have put together. You may have called us Grey Group but more Platinum to us. We are interested in going to do a Western Front tour but not till Mid 2017 so please keep us informed. Thank you again.”
Allan & Wendy Kemp

“Hello John, now that I have returned home after a fabulous trip to attend the Gallipoli 2015 services I want to thank you most sincerely for all that you, your family and staff members provided over the duration of the tour.

The incredible amount of work and detail showed in the most meticulous arrangements which you made and each of us who travelled in the various Boronia groups were indeed very blessed.

Thank you specifically for the arrangements you made for Anzac Day itself and for the incredible farewell dinner. This was a trip to remember and I was indeed fortunate to be part of one of your groups. With every good wish.”
Bryan Nicholls

“Dear John, the bags are unpacked, the washing and ironing is done. It’s now time to say thank you to all the members of Boronia Travel for such wonderful arrangements for my recent trip to Gallipoli. One can only start to imagine the “behind the scenes’ work that went into such a mammoth task to get everyone to their appointed hotels and travel arrangements. God bless you all. Until we meet again. P.S. I had to give a short talk to our War Widows today and all were very impressed with the jackets and blankets you provided.”
Hazel Donald

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